Supergravity and Superstrings: a Geometric Prspective / Vo.l 3 Superstrings
This is the third volume of the three-volume book and it is concerned with superstrings. It covers the necessry background on Riemann surface theory
the classical action of heterotic superstrings, their quantization both in the operator formalism and in the path integral formalism. Next it covers the general setup of 2-D conformal field theories and the discussion of modular invariance and GSO projection. One special chapter is devoted to Effective supergravity theories and to the exact supersymmetric coupling of the Loretntz Chern Simons term.

Unfortunately when the book writing took place the use of LaTeX was not yet spread so that all the almost 2500 pages were hand-written and manually typed by our Department Secretary. The Editors composed the book in a different electronic typing and it was printed just at the time when TeX and LaTeX became the scientific standard. For this reason revised and updated editions could not be easily produced, the typewriting in LaTex of the full manuscript being a gigantic, almost impossible work. Recently one of the authors (L.Castellani) has managed to obtain a LaTeX version of the first volume.

This three-volume book was conceived in the late 1980.s years as a unified presentation of supergravity and superstring theories based on the rheonomic approach to supersymmetric theories that had been invented by D'Auria & Fré in the years 1979-1980 on the basis of ideas originally put forward by Ne'eman and Regge and then was consistently developed and applied to all existing examples of supergravities by Castellani, D'Auria and Fré in the course of the following few years. Furthermore this rather monumental work aimed at reviewing also Kaluza Klein Supergravity with its corresponding mass-spectra providing at the same time all the mathematical foundations of Homogeneous Space Geometry and Harmonic Analysis